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About Me

Canadian Gen Zer who stumbled upon the world of FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early).

The RE part is optional. I just want to have the freedom to choose how I want to live instead of having to wait on the next paycheck, the next vacation, the next promotion etc.

I thought that after graduating from university and getting a full-time job, life would suddenly make more sense, but honestly, it didn’t. It continued to feel like an endless grind and for what? I felt like a donkey chasing a carrot only to finally get the carrot and THEN to continue chasing for MORE carrots. What a bummer.

So what did I decide to do? To invest in myself first through finances and mental health.

On this blog, I will share with you what I had hoped someone could have shared with me when I was younger—in my teens to early 20s and beyond?